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Getting Started

This page explains how to emulate Digimon Online v1.5 with RustyDO.

Table of contents

  1. Installation
    1. Compile RustyDO
    2. Move Configuration
    3. Run RustyDO
  2. How to Play


This section explains how to set up and run RustyDO.

Compile RustyDO

First, download the source of the project. You can download it from the website (link).

Or, if you’ve installed Git (link), you can also use it:

git clone

Go to the root directory of the source code (i.e. RustyDO). Compile the source code with Rust compiler Cargo:

cargo build --release

You can download and install Cargo from the official Rust website (link).

Done! It will generate the server executable on RustyDO/target/release/server.*.

Move Configuration

Find config.toml in the root directory of the project. Copy it to the same folder as the server executable.

Run RustyDO

Execute the server executable. It will start the server emulation for Digimon Online v1.5.

How to Play

We do not offer any guidance for operating servers. We focus on how to develop our server code. We do not share how to operate his/her own server. Please understand that it is strictly forbidden to operate private servers in Korea: see 게임산업진흥에 관한 법률 제32조 (게임산업법)

Table of contents